Sunday, October 18, 2009

e's wEekly brain dump

I did something this week I swore I'd never do... create a MySpace page. And now that's I've got one I haven't a clue what to do with it. I have to be careful, however, to make sure nothing potential future employers [or girlfriends or people whom I respect, or will come to respect] see or read that would paint me in a negative light. I wish to retain a measure of respect from everyone I meet. Sounds fair, right? I deserve the best, and will therefore avoid posting anything that might serve me a less palatable future experience.

I see a lot of customized pages there, but haven't managed to figure that part of it out. I had enough of a time figuring out Facebook, and I haven't really got a good handle on that one either.

Twitter? Piece of cake. Worthless, but a piece of cake... a novelty, if you will. Kinda like one of those creepy mechanical monkeys that clang together those irritating brass cymbals.

BrightKite? A completely useless account... a glorified digital flare gun. Woo Hoo! Like I want folks to know where I'm at at any given hour of the day.

These new sites seem geared toward the dispensing of personal privacy. Why would anyone want to lose every shred of privacy they have by letting complete and total strangers into just about every intimate detail of your life? Seems to me that if you have any respect for yourself at all you'd jealously guard your reputation AND privacy both! But not the yoots of today.

Anyway, all this is a process of acclimation the station is putting us through. We are all being forced into the digital age whether we want it or not. I've been blogging for years so I'm not a stranger to that part of it. And as to that part, I intend to keep it separate from all the new accounts the station wants us to create. I'm not sure how, as a graphic artist for the station's website, or as a videographer for the Creative Services department, Twitter, MySpace, BrightKite, or even Facebook will serve the station. But I can see some need for being "in touch" with emerging technologies and trends. So I'll go along with their evil schemes to corner the local viewer/traffic market. Edging out the local paper and utterly destroying that other station.

It's all part of the ratings game.

* * *

I had another long and quite lovely lunch with the lovely LeNeé-- I even told my roommate about my new 'lunch buddy'. I did most of the talking, I believe. Man, but it just felt so nice being able to talk and express my thoughts without having to guard every word. It was quite freeing. I wasn't the least bit nervous. And she responded openly, even welcomingly. And I appreciate her all the more for it.

She asked a day or so prior if I'd be interested in seeing "New Moon" with her when it comes to the theaters. I told her I hadn't even seen "Twilight," at which she insisted I rent it. Well, I hate movie rentals so I did the next best thing, which was order it off Comcast OnDemand. For $2.99 I watched a film I had no real desire to see, while burning it to DVD for future consumption.

In fairness to those who like the movie, it was a pretty decent film as teenage angst/vampire films go, and I admit I enjoyed it. I wouldn't have spent the price of a movie ticket for it, let alone buy the DVD, but thanks to Comcast, and one cent short of three bucks, I achieved the same end. Not only that, having seen the first, I will also own up to a desire to see "New Moon".

Now here's the question:
Am I interested in seeing the film? Or am I interested in sitting in the dark, and sharing popcorn, with LeNeé?

There's time enough to figure that one out.

Tangentially to the first portion of this post, I came across LeNeé's MySpace page yesterday afternoon, and that more than the station's insistence, prompted me to create my own MySpace page much earlier than I otherwise would have. I also saw a pic of what I assume is the guy she's still sweet on, despite being broke-up. He's looks older than me, and is much more buff, which is saying a lot since I am not even remotely "buff."

And no, I did not send a request to be friends with her. I'm content to let nature take its course.

Speaking of which...

Did you read my previous post?

* * *

I mentioned earlier that I told Cristal about my "lunch buddy." Yes, I did. But I presented it in such a way as to NOT make it sound like I was trying to date LeNeé, which I am not-- it's important you know this. Just as important as it was to make sure Cristal knew this. She was a little jealous. And if I could tell she was a little J, it's pretty sure she was "a lot" J. She wanted to know why I never called her to meet me for lunch. What was I supposed to say?

Should I have told her that I always have to guard what I say for fear of angering her? That her personality is so strong and overpowering that mine is never allowed enough sunlight through the shade of her own limbs to allow me anything other than stunted personal and communicative growth? And this is the primary reason I asked LeNeé to lunch in the first place. I have to learn to socialize with other people... especially women. And, believe it or not, I even told LeNeé this during our first lunch. I wanted to make sure she understood I wasn't trying to hit on her, whatever my heart really desired. But, as I related in a recent poem: I know the difference between Intrigue and Infatuation.

I am intrigued. Nothing more.

For now.


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