Thursday, October 22, 2009

"when opportunity knocks...

...drag it kicking and screaming through the door."

* * *

I have been thrust into the role of "Internet Guru" at the station. This means I must, by the end of the year, acquire a 'more than' working knowledge of two primary programs, one of which I'm already about 65% there. The other? 15%? Maybe 20? I just never use the program... but now that has to change.

In addition to this, I have to knuckle down and learn Adobe Flash. That's not a problem since I WANT to learn this program. I've already built one very simple Flash ad, but I doubt I remember exactly what I did. So now I have to dive in and become a Flash Master as well.

I just hope there's a sizable pay increase coming before it's all said and done. I need a new car, but I'd settle for a new bike... though I haven't ridden one in more than 35 years.

So things are changing. I may sound like I'm lamenting the change, but don't be fooled. This is a HUGE opportunity, and can only stead well in the future.

In the meantime, I will be quite quite busy.

One thing that truly sucks about this is I will no longer (for the time being) be going out on video shoots learning how to use the cameras. This will have to wait until I get comfortable in my new digs. I'll still get to learn the camera, and edit, but for now I have a lot to do to get myself up to speed with my supervisors expectations.

What this means on a personal level is I won't get to go out on shoots with my lunch buddy. I'll only get to see her when she's in town and available for lunch, which is usually once or twice a week.

So there it is... a great opportunity, with one serious drawback. But then she's not my girl, so I have no reason to view this as a drawback...



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