Saturday, November 29, 2014

thE other room

I've begun a new project that, for the moment, I'm titling The Other Room. Newly adopted Freya Greyl is only fourteen years old, and with the adoption comes an old weathered and faded manilla envelope with a small scrap of iron bearing a strange glyph, and a drawing... a diagram of a key.

In time the key shows her to another room within the room given to her by her adoptive parents. This Other Room, however, is as large as a world, pristine and devoid of anything, to her knowledge, other than a small island in the center of lake, the small empty cottage that sits upon it, and a forge.

I'm not at all sure of where this one will go. But I do know it is an allegory of sorts. It's not written with adults in mind, but neither is it written for young readers. There will be adult themes. There will be courage, integrity, treachery and death. Not a C.S. Lewis styled allegory, but close.


Dan Trabue said...

How goes this writing project, Eric?


Eric said...

Wow! Dan Trabue! I really miss our discussions.

The writing goes well... steady progress. My biggest obstacle is my desire to edit. I have to constantly fight to leave it alone until it's finished. Even then I'll have to let it sit in a dark quiet place for a few months or more to allow me breath. Editing is not something I can do as I go as I have no idea what's going to happen next or how it's going to end.

Right now I'm about fifty pages in, and Trina knows almost nothing about her new responsibility as the defacto 'god' (as keeper of the 'north western' forge), I'm not even sure I know....

Great to hear from you again

Dan Trabue said...

Well, thanks. And you, too. Sorry I'm just now getting around to responding. Life, and all.

I really want to write fiction, and have tried several times. I think I start off well enough, but maintaining a story is difficult, keeping it going, how does one do that?

Good for you in getting 50 pages in, that's a good bit of progress. Good luck in continuing.

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