Wednesday, May 18, 2011

of whEels and wind

Received a call yesterday. Surprise! I wasn't expecting a call back, let alone a response, so I promptly forgot about it. I didn't sleep well last night because of it. I'm operating on very little sleep right now. I can't let anyone but Cristal know.

I just called back a bit ago. Made an appointment. I've been a bit like Lennon lately, just watching the wheels turn round and round, never imagining their turning could involve me in any personal way. Times are tough here. Money is scarce; every dollar has a name and none of those names involve any of the things I'm wont to do with my paychecks. No movies, no chai at Starbucks, no books, almost no money for cable.

Can't let anyone know about this, however. I shouldn't be telling you. But there it is. Can't afford to let anyone get wind of this.


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