Friday, April 23, 2010

e's political bone

I've recently been immersed in a little political debate over at American Descent, a little political blog I'm a member of. Chances are, you won't like it. I don't like it much of the time, but a lot of the things said there need to be said. If you go there, it's likely your opinion of what you find here will change. I do no support much of what the president has done, and it's reflected there quite starkly.

The subject of Politics in America has lately taken on the view of an aftermath; a Monde à la vision de guerre mentality-- kill them all and let God sort them out. What we see most frequently is a field covered with bodies and vultures gleefully stripping the fallen to the bone. We'll call the bodies "Bones of Contention" and the vultures "Partisan Politics". No matter how many vultures alight from above to join the feast we never seem to run out of bodies. There are more rotting corpses than there are vultures to devour them. Sad, but true.

And that's how it is in American politics. No one is ever satisfied, and no one wants to share. We will glutton ourselves until we can take no more, disappear for a period of time to digest what would otherwise be indigestible, then return for seconds-- or thirds, or fourths, or fifths, or...

The field is never emptied, and the vultures never sated. It's as simple a picture of political hell as I can imagine.


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