Friday, March 12, 2010

what a difference a day makes

I hunkered down today and built one page of a proposed nine, though I can assure you the count will never get that high. Here's the link, if you're interested. Considering this took me roughly 7 hours start to finish, it looks pretty good. Simple, but good.

As to my deadline next Friday, realistically speaking two of the major pages can't even go live because a) the deadline for qualifying in Florida is April 2nd (however, that's not to say I can't get a start on it), and b) there are no amendments or issues presently driving this Fall's elections, so, realistically, I'm left with only one or two other pages that must be built. And if today is any indication I could have everything that can be completed finished by Wednesday. Early. The remaining pages can be expanded as the information becomes available.

Also. With the completion of this one page, I now have a template for the others, so they will progress more quickly.

And to think the previous few days had me stressed!


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